Friday, July 27, 2012

. . the Bells. . the Bells

. . the joys of being in the country . . never heard a single fucking Olympic Bell . .

Sunday, July 22, 2012

How "British" do you have to be?

Commonwealth soldier kicked in the teeth by Britain

. . briefly . . guy from "Commonwealth" serves 13 years with "British" Army in active service and harms way in several campaigns then when he retires despite being promised citizenship he is told he will be deported.

What does this tell me ?

It tells me that it is right to reject the notion of "Britain" and "Britishness". The British State is a rotten State. it extends no loyalty even to those who risk their lives for it.

How can it ask loyalty in return?

Sunday, July 01, 2012

We fail Theresa May's Test

I hate to trouble readers with Brit "Home Secretary" Theresa May too often, but needs must.  is her latest idea for an "Immigrant Test" designed to show Johnny Foreigner what a wonderful place this is...

Well I'll happily fail any test that Theresa May and her pals set.  Readers who are old enough will remember Norman Tebbit's "Cricket Test".  I failed that too. Yet another reason to say YES!!!!

This is also "Armed Forces Day".  I remember the families of all those killed in illegal wars to serve the interests of crooked politicians and bankers.

Funnily enough, exactly the people who are fronting up and financing the NO! campaign.

Better together?  No fucking way!!!