Friday, June 29, 2012

public morality private vice

Bankers fixing interest rates in collusion, the tax affairs of comedian laid bare in the Westminster parliament. .

As Frankie Boyle said "if  David Cameron called me morally wrong I'd put it on my posters".

The "NO !" campaign launches to campaign against Scottish independence. We're too wee, too poor and too stupid to rule ourselves.

A young woman in England is forced onto the "workfare" scheme to do slave labour for the private sector when she was already learning skills and doing socially useful work volunteering in a museum.

Housing benefit is to be cut for under 25 year olds.

Better together ?

No fucking way!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Theresa May and the Border Agency

Never one to miss a chance to play to racist elements the "Home Secretary" of the Westminster government Theresa May is trying to remove the right to family life of  "immigrants".

The fact that Theresa May and her colleagues in government are a shower of tossers who never did an honest days work in their life (unlike most "immigrants" who work incredibly long hours for shite wages) does nothing to redeem them in the eyes of this editor.

The case of the Boyd family in the Highlands is a particularly egregious example of the kind of assault on family life that this atmosphere of immigrant-bashing encourages.

Simply put, the Boyd family have the option of exile together or family break-up apart.

Sign the petition against this here;

Theresa May perhaps cannot give a toss for anything except getting the right -wing morons who voted for her to do so again.

Yet another reason for ditching the "UK" and Theresa and her oafish colleagues.

Jubilee Olympic Torch Mania

When workers take a day off to defend their rights the lickspittles and dowp lickers have a field day of faux outrage.

When it comes to a day off for a foreign queen to celebrate 60 years of indolence the same assholes are falling over themselves to brown nose their owners.

Similarly with the Olympic pantomime. . nothing must come in the way of making a buck for thieves and getting the rest of us to pay for it.  The depths this is going to is illustrated in the case of Edzell pensioner Dave Coull. 

Mr Coull has a long history of standing up for his rights.  after writing a letter to his local rag the Dundee Courier, Dave was treated to a visit from two plainclothes police officers.

Dave couldn't stop laughing. Simply pointing out in a letter the Nazi origins of the Olympic Torch relay was enough to mark the card of Dave Coull.

Departing from the line of public rejoicing about the benefits of the Olympics in the slightest respect is not acceptable . .

Who says ?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

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