Saturday, September 01, 2007

It's bin a lang time...lang time...

..aye..its bin a lang time folks...affa busy wi other projects ae a musical nature.. that and being in thi jail...

...wiv noo got a new SNP government in Scotland... hopefully they'll no start fiddlin for a while..

...policy is getting made on thi hoof...the Unionists..(makes spitting sounds..) are going ti try an screw them over at any opportunity

..Wendy Alexander is the new queen ae New Labour...thi so-called "left" ae Labour couldn't even get six MSP's willing to put their head above the parapet to give her a contest...pathetic..!!

..Anithir bumper crop ae Opium in Afghanistan...I suppose that means thi junkies will hiv less hooses ti screw ti get fixed...the law of supply and demand applies to Heroin as well..